Testimonial Videos


1 year

"-38 Kg in one year, I feel with better self-esteem, confidence and no hypertension problems." Shaulitza
"I have noticed a great improvement in my mental health and self-esteem, I have lost a lot of weight and I feel very happy with this decision." Karen
"It was a very exciting year, I lost 40 kilos, and my levels are very good." -Adriana.
"I can do a lot of things, I enjoy exercise, I sleep much better." Fernanda.
"One year after my surgery I have lost 63 kg. This year has been a totally successful year, both on a personal, work and health level" Ofelia.
"Due to the restriction of the surgery it has been quite comfortable for me, I had grade 1 obesity and problems with sugar" Ariadna.
"One year after my surgery I am 48 kg lighter and with diabetes in remission" Angélica.
"I had diabetes and was insulin-dependent before my surgery, currently I have stopped insulin and my glucose levels are normal" Fernando.

6- 10 Months

"My hormones have improved a lot." Alexandra.
"A lot of vitality, a lot of energy, I feel very happy." Daniela.
"My size is small or medium." Ximena.
"All my levels are optimal." Bibiana.
"I have rejuvenated 20 years 10 months after my bypass surgery" Carmén.
"I had depression, I never lost weight even though I did other things." Evelia.
"I have lost 38 kg 9 months after my surgery, now at my ideal weight. The multidisciplinary team has always been present" Marlene.
"I don't have back pain anymore." Veronica.

3 months

"I walk without getting tired, my back doesn't hurt anymore." Sinai.
"Three months after the Bypass I no longer have reflux and I have lost 25 kilos." Manuel.
"I no longer have pain in my knees, the clothes I used to wear are falling off." Daniel.
"I have had radical physical changes, it hasn't cost me any work, it's worth it." Fabiola.

12 months

"I haven't worn this blouse for 3 years." Sinai.
"I feel lighter, happier and fuller." Ana.
"The clothes that didn't fit me are starting to fit and I'm changing my eating habits" Melissa.
"I have had great changes, I feel very light." Yasnay.
"30 kg and high blood pressure remitted in the first month of my surgery" Pedro.
"I have gone from 176 kg to 153 kg in just 1 month, this position in which you currently see me could not even be dreamed of" Benjamín.
"My weight loss has been very noticeable, I have felt many positive changes, I feel rejuvenated." Fabiola.
"In a month, my periods have returned." Wendy

First days

"24 hours after my gastric sleeve surgery. I did it to have a better quality of life" Concepción.
"Eight days after my surgery I have lost 10 kg, I am very happy. I did it because I had been trying so hard to have a suitable weight" Claudia.
"1 week after my bypass, no discomfort, I feel as if nothing had been done to me" Myriam.
"24 hours after my surgery I feel very good" Carlos.
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