Dosage: 500 mg every 12 hours for at least 30 days. Can be combined with LEGALON
Indications: Primary and secondary immunodeficiency. Immunostimulant.
Elemental or semi-elemental diet comes in a box of 6 sachets, each sachet with 300 kcal, approximately 3 sachets per day. Approximate cost: $600. It is sold in pharmacies in Veracruz, you have to call to check branches or it may be in a branch in Zaragoza, Vista Alegre or Diaz Miron. Another elemental diet in Mexico is Vivonex but there are not many distributors.
Indications: Anal fissures
Indications- Fatigue. Take 1 capsule daily for an indefinite period.
20-30 drops 10 minutes before meals every 8 hours
Indications: intermittent claudication. Pain when walking, ulcers in the lower extremities. It is indicated for people with bad habits such as smoking, obesity, etc.
Box with 30 tabs
Indications: hyporexia
Indications: depression. Affinity for ondasetron receptors, also helps with nausea.
Fenofibrato 135 mg
Indications: Nausea
For bad gas odor after bariatrics and metronidazole for 3 days works for 3 weeks. Also colestiramine and pancreatic enzymes. Low-fat diet
50/160 mg
Indications: restores the balance of flora caused by diarrhea and infections
Dosage: 30 to 19 drops 3 times a day 10 minutes before each meal. Can be substituted with AS COR 30 drops
Active substance: griseofulvin
Dosage: 1 mg before breakfast the first week and continue with 1 mg 1 hour before each meal. No more than 3 mg per day and never in 1 dose.
Omeprazole 20mg bicarbonate $290
Indications: Biliary cirrhosis, Cholangitis, Gallstones
Tab del 1 mg.
Box with 30 tabs
Indications: IBS and chronic constipation
1 sachet in a glass of water or juice. Take 2-3 times a day.
1 mg every 8 hours 10 minutes before meals for 1 to 3 months. It also exists under the brand name PEMIX.
Boxes with 30 tablets.
Apply 2-3 times a day for 8 weeks.
200 mg every 8 hours for 2 to 3 months.
week - 12.6 mg
Indications: Amebiasis, Giardiasis, Trichomona Vaginalis
Indications: peptic ulcer, functional diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, aerophagia, dyspepsia
Esomeprazol IV 40 mg
1 g solution or tablet every 8 hours for 1 month
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