Requirements: Be a patient who is going to undergo or has already undergone a procedure at Obesity Health. Create 1 to 3 stories to participate. The stories must be created and published at the same time, they may or may not have a sequence. The content is optional, related to your story as a patient, what you expect, recommendations, the benefits obtained, the activities you can now do, tips, as well as unpublished or creative content. If more than 3 stories are created, only the first 3 will be linked to the obesity health account. If for some reason your Instagram account does not allow tagging obesity health, you can send your photo or video by message directly to our Instagram account specifying that you are sending it for the "Free your imagination" contest and we will publish it for you. You can participate EVERY month while the contest lasts. At this time we have contemplated January, February, March, April, May, June 2021. If you have already won in one month, you can no longer compete in the following months, but you are invited to continue sharing your stories. Obesity Health SC reserves the right to NOT CONSIDER for the contest those stories with immoral, unethical, unrealistic or poor quality content. You can publish your stories from the 1st to the last day of the month. These stories will compete for the month in which they are published. The cut-off will be made on the last day of the month at 9:00 pm. Remember that Instagram stories last 24 hours. Payment of the prize will be made in cash at the Obesity Health SC offices during office hours or through electronic transfer as long as you provide a valid RFC. The $2,000 prize will be delivered exclusively between the 1st and 15th of the month following the contest. Obesity Health reserves the right to terminate this contest at any time it deems appropriate.